GŌJŪ-RYŪ KARATE-DŌ Desk Reference: Volume 1: Introduction & Historic Chronology 剛柔流空手道&#

GŌJŪ-RYŪ KARATE-DŌ Desk Reference: Volume 1: Introduction & Historic Chronology 剛柔流空手道&#

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In the 3rd edition of Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 参考書 Volume 1 Introduction & Historic Chronology 武道, 武術の歴史, we broadly expand and revise the lineage of Goju-Ryu and related histories of Karate-Do. Additionally, we release previously unpublished or unidentified photos of Miyagi Chōjun 宮城長順 as well as extend the list of his known students. Furthermore, we have updated content and articles directly relating to the history of Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō being a native style of Okinawa.

Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō Desk Reference 剛柔流空手道 参考書 is the authoritative text providing a concise and comprehensive history of Gōjū-Ryū Karate-Dō in chronological order. Broadly investigating the lineage of Gōjū-Ryū and related histories of Karate-Dō. Including many previously unpublished photographs and data, the author dispels several often-repeated martial arts myths. In this, the 3rd edition of Volume 1 we include several additional, previously unidentified photo's of Miyagi Chojun and greatly expand on his life and his students.

All Karate-Dō is from Okinawa, having spread throughout the world. There are several styles of karate from Okinawa however the most popular practice on the Island is Gōjū-Ryū Karate-dō. Chronological biographies of certain historic individuals and organizations related to Goju-Ryu include:

Ryū Ryū Kō 劉龍公 (Li Lng Gōng 刘隆功)

Arakaki Seishō 新垣世璋

Higaonna (Higashionna) Kanryō 東恩納寛量

Itosu Ankō 糸洲 (糸数) 安恒

Hanashiro Chōmo 花城長茂

Dr. Kanō Jigorō 嘉納治五郎

Miyagi Chōjun 宮城長順

Motobu Chōki 本部朝基

Funakoshi Gichin 船越 (富名腰) 義珍

Mabuni Kenwa 摩文仁賢和

Nakaima Norisato (Kenri) 仲井間憲里

Uechi Kanbun 上地完文

Chibana Chōshin 知花朝信

Ōtsuka Hironori 大塚博紀

Nagamine Shōshin 長嶺将真

Yagi Meitoku 八木明徳

Yamaguchi Gōgen 山口剛玄 (實実)

Yogi Jitsu'e i与儀 (興儀) 実栄 (よぎ じつえい)

Shinzato Jin'an 新里仁安

Miyazato Ei'ichi 宮里栄一

Higa Sekō (Seikō) 比嘉世幸

Ujita Shōzō 宇治田省三

Miyazato Eikō 宮里栄光

Yamamoto Tsunetomo 山本常朝

Toguchi Seikichi 渡口政吉

Sō Neichū (Soh Nei-Choo)

曺(曹)寧柱 (소 나이 추)

Okamura Mitsuyasu 岡村光康

Kizaki (Kisaki) Tomoharu 木崎友晴

Uchiage Kenzō 打揚憲造

Kinjō Hiroshi 金城裕

Izumikawa Kanki 泉川寛喜

Miyagi Takashi 宮城敬 (みやぎ たかし)

Ōyama (Mas) Masutatsu (Choi Yeong-Eui)

大山倍達 (최영의 / 崔永宜)

Tada Seigo 多田正剛

Dr. Kōno Toshisada 河野利貞

Tasaki Shūji 田崎修司

Miyagi An'ichi 宮城安一

Fukuda Keiko 福田敬子

Yamaguchi Gōsen Kishio 山口剛仙

Mayama Motomasa 間山統正

Watanabe Ryūzō 渡辺隆三

Iha Koshin 伊波康進 (庫進)

Chinen Teruo 知念輝夫

Hichiya Yoshio 比知屋義夫

Dan Ivan

Cornell Watson

Jesse Canedo

Ridgley Abel

Inoue Yoshimi 井上庆身

George Anderson

Chuck Merriman

Yamashita Yōsuke 山下洋佑

Higaonna Morio 東恩納盛男

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