This book provides an evidence-informed vision of the future of technical education in England. Drawing on creative and innovative ideas, contributions analyse the current drivers to improve provision and the legacy of lessons learned from England's historical systemic underperformance in developing accessible, high quality technical education. In addition to exploring the dynamics of the political and economic drivers for resetting the technical education agenda, the volume includes an important social justice perspective by exploring social mobility considerations linked to the government's levelling up agenda, place-based interventions and differential access to skills training. Drawing on current and previous policy discourse and implementation, the book provides a forward-looking view, with recommendations of how high quality technical education could be developed to meet the needs of individuals, the economy and society. It will appeal to students, academics and practitioners with an interest in technical education in further and higher education settings.

The Future of Technical Education: Ending England's Long Running Saga
This book provides an evidence-informed vision of the future of technical education in England. Drawing on creative and innovative ideas, contributions analyse the current drivers to improve provision and the legacy of lessons learned from England's historical systemic underperformance in developing accessible, high quality technical education. In addition to exploring the dynamics of the political and economic drivers for resetting the technical education agenda, the volume includes an important social justice perspective by exploring social mobility considerations linked to the government's levelling up agenda, place-based interventions and differential access to skills training. Drawing on current and previous policy discourse and implementation, the book provides a forward-looking view, with recommendations of how high quality technical education could be developed to meet the needs of individuals, the economy and society. It will appeal to students, academics and practitioners with an interest in technical education in further and higher education settings.