In 1969, the Rankin/Bass team introduced yet another holiday-themed special based on a song, Frosty the Snowman. The special premiered on Sunday, December 7, following the network's annual revival of 1965's A Charlie Brown Christmas. The film is about a snowman that comes alive after a hat gets placed on his head by some children with whom he shares playful adventures before he has to hurry on his way. The children become sad as Frosty leaves, though Frosty tells them he will return. Some versions of the song say Christmas Day in the final lines. This book 'Fun Questions about Frosty The Snowman for Kids' has a few things you might not have known about the legendary animated special and questions and answers around Frosty the snowman.
In 1969, the Rankin/Bass team introduced yet another holiday-themed special based on a song, Frosty the Snowman. The special premiered on Sunday, December 7, following the network's annual revival of 1965's A Charlie Brown Christmas. The film is about a snowman that comes alive after a hat gets placed on his head by some children with whom he shares playful adventures before he has to hurry on his way. The children become sad as Frosty leaves, though Frosty tells them he will return. Some versions of the song say Christmas Day in the final lines. This book 'Fun Questions about Frosty The Snowman for Kids' has a few things you might not have known about the legendary animated special and questions and answers around Frosty the snowman.