If you would like to invite evangelist Tim Byrd to come to your church to preach a revival or for a presentation of the work Bro. Tim Byrd and Bro. Raju Amruthapudi are doing in the country of India please use the following contact information to do so.
Reference: Pastor Bill Brown
Phone: 601 270 9255
Email: billbrown122555@gmail
Mailing address: open door Baptist Church c/o pastor Bill Brown 1832 Monroe rd. Moselle, ms 39459
Evangelist: Tim Byrd
Phone: Tim Byrd 601 402 1680
Email: timbyrd73@gmail
Facebook: Continuing Strength International Ministries.
Mailing address: open door Baptist Church c/o Tim Byrd. 1832 Monroe rd. Moselle, ms 39459
Pastor: Raju Amruthapudi
Email: rajleelaevangelicalmission@gmail
Facebook: Raj leela, Andrapradesh India.
Thanks again for your prayers, love and support.