From Cop to Convict to Christ: Lies, Deception, Corruption, the FBI Setup. The Untold Story Revealed!

From Cop to Convict to Christ: Lies, Deception, Corruption, the FBI Setup. The Untold Story Revealed!

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Even a Seasoned Police Officer like Stephen Lynch Harrison, Sr. faces daily ethical challenges. The line between right and wrong blurs as fellow officers, well known in their field, pursue fast financial gains. Despite this, Stephen consistently sensed an inner awareness that their actions lacked honor and legality, ultimately entangling him in a complex web of deception that proved difficult to break free from.

The title "From Cop to Convict to Christ" isn't chosen for mere attention-grabbing; it authentically captures Stephen's journey. Once a Florida law enforcement member, he transitioned from a Police Officer to a federal inmate for seven years. Yet, God had a more profound narrative unfolding. Considering his time in prison, Stephen's life was part of a master plan orchestrated by God. Immerse yourself in Stephen's narrative and uncover the triumphant grace of God.

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