Nick "Freak Nick" Young is a painfully handsome ladies' man who earned his infamous moniker when his fraternity brother revealed how Nick was conceived at Freaknik. He recently moved back to his hometown, now that he's officially retired from playing professional basketball overseas.
Kiara Towns is a head-turning, single mother who has lost all faith in men. She binge-watches media centered around cheaters and deadbeats, and has come to despise any man who isn't her father. Kiara wants nothing more than to raise her son and spend her free time dancing, but any and everything that could come against her pursuits has.
What happens when Nick and Kiara's worlds collide? When Nick overhears her child's father verbally abusing her, he can't help but come to her rescue by posing as her man. They start out pretending to get her son's father in line. Will they admit that acting wasn't as hard as they originally thought it would be, or will they be too stubborn to step outside of their comfort zones? Read Freak Nick by Denise Essex to find out.