La Mtamorphose / The Metamorphosis: Tranzlaty Franais English

La Mtamorphose / The Metamorphosis: Tranzlaty Franais English

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La lumire du tramway lectrique brillait ici et l sur le plafond et sur les parties hautes des meubles.

The light of the electric tram lay pale here and there on the ceiling and on the higher parts of the furniture

mais au niveau de Gregor il faisait sombre

but down at Gregor's level it was dark

Il se dirigea lentement vers la porte pour voir ce qui s'y tait pass.

He slowly pushed himself towards the door to see what had happened there

il tait encore maladroit avec ses antennes, ce qu'il a seulement appris apprcier maintenant

he was still clumsy with his feelers, which he only now learned to appreciate

Son ct gauche semblait avoir une longue cicatrice dsagrablement serre.

His left side seemed to have one long, unpleasantly tight scar

et il a d littralement boiter sur ses deux ranges de jambes

and he had to literally limp on his two rows of legs

Par ailleurs, une des jambes avait t srieusement blesse lors des incidents du matin.

Incidentally, one of the legs had been seriously injured during the morning's incidents

c'tait presque un miracle qu'une seule de ses jambes ait t blesse

it was almost a miracle that only one of his legs was injured

et il trana sa jambe sans vie

and he dragged his leg lifelessly

Ce n'est qu'une fois arriv la porte qu'il ralisa ce qui l'avait rellement attir l.

Only when he reached the door did he realize what had actually lured him there

c'tait l'odeur de quelque chose de comestible qui l'avait attir l

it was the smell of something edible that had lured him there

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