Bilingue franais/anglais / Bilingual French/English
Le roi du Danemark, pre d'Hamlet, est mort rcemment. Son frre Claudius l'a remplac sur le trne et a pous Gertrude, la veuve de son frre. Le spectre du roi vient rvler son fils le nom de son meurtrier et le charge solennellement de le venger. Pour mener bien son projet, il dcide de feindre la folie et plonge toute la cour dans la perplexit.
Par la grce du gnie lyrique et l'immense talent littraire de Shakespeare, le succs international de cette tragdie ne s'est jamais dmenti.
Cette dition intgrale est bilingue: les textes franais et anglais sont en parallle chaque page, pour vous permettre de savourer pleinement le chef-d'oeuvre de William Shakespeare.
The King of Denmark, father of Hamlet, died recently. His brother Claudius replaced him on the throne and married Gertrude, the widow of his brother. The ghost of the king comes to reveal to his son the name of his murderer and solemnly charges him with avenging him. To carry out his project, he decides to feign madness and plunges the whole court into perplexity.
By the charm of the lyric genius and the huge literary talent of Shakespeare, the international success of this tragedy has never been denied.
Enjoy William Shakespeare's masterpiece in two languages thanks to this bilingual unabridged edition, where french and english texts are in parallel all along the book.
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