- the historical and legal roots of intellectual freedom, with an in-depth examination of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" and Article 19 of the U.N Declaration of Human Rights, and its central concepts and principles;
- the intersection of intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and social justice;
- professional values, codes of ethics, ALA's Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to Read/View Statements;
- pro- and anti- censorship arguments and their use in impeding and facilitating access to information;
- book banning and internet filtering;
- privacy and its relationship to information services;
- U.S. case law and precedents;
- the basics of U.S. copyright law, including fair use, and how it differs from international copyright law; and
- emerging global issues and their impact on future intellectual freedom.

- the historical and legal roots of intellectual freedom, with an in-depth examination of John Stuart Mill's "On Liberty" and Article 19 of the U.N Declaration of Human Rights, and its central concepts and principles;
- the intersection of intellectual freedom, freedom of expression, and social justice;
- professional values, codes of ethics, ALA's Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to Read/View Statements;
- pro- and anti- censorship arguments and their use in impeding and facilitating access to information;
- book banning and internet filtering;
- privacy and its relationship to information services;
- U.S. case law and precedents;
- the basics of U.S. copyright law, including fair use, and how it differs from international copyright law; and
- emerging global issues and their impact on future intellectual freedom.