Fooling My Fertility & Expecting At 50: How I Had A Baby in Midlife & You Can Too

Fooling My Fertility & Expecting At 50: How I Had A Baby in Midlife & You Can Too

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Release the ideas that Motherhood only happens in a certain decade of life, only happens for certain people, or that certain adverse medical conditions cannot be overcome. Accept the idea that Motherhood is something you can have. More importantly, accept the idea that a Mother is what you already are.

With that one decision a world of possibilities are now open to you and you have moved one step closer to welcoming a new baby into your family.

Fooling My Fertility & Expecting at 50, details Kia's decades long journey, through navigating bad medical reports of fibroids, ovarian cysts, diminished ovarian reserve, some poor choices, heavy expectations, menopause and the labyrinth of all of the systems seemingly standing between women and motherhood to achieve her first dream in life which was always to become a mother.

Kia takes on the topics of egg freezing, IVF, donor help, traditional adoption, and embryo adoption in this blueprint read.

Kia's narrative in this book along with the bonus, expansive Resources Section will give you:

*the resources you need to identify and build a medical team that can help you solve YOUR PARTICULAR medical issues

*the resources you need to put together an IVF cycle QUICKLY and with best chances for successful pregnancy

*the exact steps, supplements and assistance Kia was able to access and employ to achieve a successful outcome

*the resources for community, so that you don't have to take your journey alone

*the mindset you need to see your journey through to completion

Fooling My Fertility & Expecting at 50, is an engaging read that packs powerful and needed information into a well organized roadmap. Any woman who is yet hoping to be a mother for the first time, or even, to become a mother again, will get something valuable from this book!

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