Fire Prayers for Praying Parents: Birthing The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children

Fire Prayers for Praying Parents: Birthing The Prophetic Destiny of Our Children

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Parents are Guardians and Coverings for their children! In the modern age of apostasy, the values of labors of love have faded among families. There are no more war-rooms where fathers and mothers are wailing for their children in desperation to secure the spiritual passages of their little ones. Children are being exposed to all kinds of evil trends, cultures and societies and the morally depraved governments and people are becoming more gullible in embarking upon introducing evil motivated legislation and laws that subject the children to the knowledge of evil and the corrupt works of evil. The futures of the children are being impeded today through moral decays and societal failures.

The School Systems have become slaughter houses to victimize the children before the ages of accountability. Families are losing grips on their future generations, as their children are thrown to the wolfs. The era when the values of raising up the children in the admonition of the LORD were emphasized and prioritized are gone. We are in a moment of greatest darkness in the world history and the grossness of the wickedness of people are beginning to permeate the veins and arteries of the societies.

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