Feng shui is a pseudoscience that was developed in China dating back to 4000 B.C. It is believed that how you arrange your home can affect how energy (chi) flows through your home and your life.
Historically, the principles of feng shui were widely used to orient buildings in an auspicious manner-often spiritually significant structures such as tombs but also dwellings and other structures. Feng shui means "wind water," two of earth's flowing elements.
Feng shui-or good energy flow-can be easily applied in any space in your home, by arranging furniture appropriately, like the placement of your bed, doors, the colors you use, mirrors, and water features.

Feng Shui Home For Adults: Everything You Should To Know About Feng Shui: Complete Guide To Feng Shui Home For Beginners
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Feng shui is a pseudoscience that was developed in China dating back to 4000 B.C. It is believed that how you arrange your home can affect how energy (chi) flows through your home and your life.
Historically, the principles of feng shui were widely used to orient buildings in an auspicious manner-often spiritually significant structures such as tombs but also dwellings and other structures. Feng shui means "wind water," two of earth's flowing elements.
Feng shui-or good energy flow-can be easily applied in any space in your home, by arranging furniture appropriately, like the placement of your bed, doors, the colors you use, mirrors, and water features.