The Farm Book 3: Behind The Curve

The Farm Book 3: Behind The Curve

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A Place To ShopFinding themselves as one of the only places to buy food, the group's market has drawn a crowd, and a wary eye from the authorities from the very start. The detainment centers need to keep the food coming, while the economy crashes. Fuel becomes an issue as the virus and shutdowns cause shortages all across the country.Actions Have ConsequencesRob had wished Angelica hadn't put the beat down on Agent Kendricks, but he also knew his chances of stopping her would have been small. The group struggles to keep everyone safe and sane as the conspiracy slowly unfolds. The state's governor also finds himself in a predicament, that leads back to the group. He, like many others, had gotten in the way of the agenda.The BonesMore information comes to light about the bones, and the tale about buried treasure may have some merit. While picking berries, Harry trips over a find that will both confuse and sidetrack the group. With Dewie's wife's connection to Lyle, things are starting to make sense. All was going well until in the dark of night, events spiraled out of control.
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