The story, inspired by ancient Chinese folklore, happens in a land of wisdom, peace and harmony. Here, the tiny and magical fairy lives with her friends in and around a huge lake with thousands of pink lotus flowers. The story gains momentum when the fairy meets a young boy with a magical bamboo flute. They set out on a quest to the White Mountain to rescue a blue baby dragon. There are also moments to discover when the bees speak about their world of colours and scents, and it is truly a joyful land to visit for both adults and children. The author studied Chinese philosophy and heritage for over a decade, which shows in the text. It is a relaxing and educational story for children at age 4-9 and has a high rereading value. This is second edition of the book.
The Fairy of the Pink Lotus: inspired by Chinese folklore
The story, inspired by ancient Chinese folklore, happens in a land of wisdom, peace and harmony. Here, the tiny and magical fairy lives with her friends in and around a huge lake with thousands of pink lotus flowers. The story gains momentum when the fairy meets a young boy with a magical bamboo flute. They set out on a quest to the White Mountain to rescue a blue baby dragon. There are also moments to discover when the bees speak about their world of colours and scents, and it is truly a joyful land to visit for both adults and children. The author studied Chinese philosophy and heritage for over a decade, which shows in the text. It is a relaxing and educational story for children at age 4-9 and has a high rereading value. This is second edition of the book.