Recent controversies in the Anglican Communion have called Anglican identity into question. Is it possible to be Catholic, committed to the consensus of the whole Church about what we must do to be saved, and be an Anglican? Alexander Penrose Forbes, E.B. Pusey's protege and a leading dogmatic theologian in the Catholic revival in the Church of England, believed that Anglican Orthodoxy calls for a faith at once Evangelical, confident that Scripture contains all things necessary for salvation, and Catholic, trusting that Christ leads his Church into all truth. In An Explanation of the 39 Articles, Forbes interprets the Articles in continuity with the wisdom of the Church Fathers and Schoolmen to show that Anglican theology can answer contemporary questions about what it means to be human and the nature of reality, as well as timeless questions about God, the Church, salvation, and the rule of faith. The book has been out of print for years, and this new edition answers the need for a guide to Evangelical Catholic theology that explains how the Articles represent the common mind of the Body of Christ.

An Explanation of the Thirty-Nine Articles (One Volume)
Recent controversies in the Anglican Communion have called Anglican identity into question. Is it possible to be Catholic, committed to the consensus of the whole Church about what we must do to be saved, and be an Anglican? Alexander Penrose Forbes, E.B. Pusey's protege and a leading dogmatic theologian in the Catholic revival in the Church of England, believed that Anglican Orthodoxy calls for a faith at once Evangelical, confident that Scripture contains all things necessary for salvation, and Catholic, trusting that Christ leads his Church into all truth. In An Explanation of the 39 Articles, Forbes interprets the Articles in continuity with the wisdom of the Church Fathers and Schoolmen to show that Anglican theology can answer contemporary questions about what it means to be human and the nature of reality, as well as timeless questions about God, the Church, salvation, and the rule of faith. The book has been out of print for years, and this new edition answers the need for a guide to Evangelical Catholic theology that explains how the Articles represent the common mind of the Body of Christ.