A Memoir by Frank Thomas Smith. Now living under the Southern Cross in a valley in Argentina, the author shares a life well-lived with readers the world over. Frank Thomas Smith is an American expatriate originally from Brooklyn, New York. Working in the international airline business, he has lived most of his life abroad, in Europe and South America. He has moonlighted in consulting, education (Waldorf) and writing. He is the editor and publisher of the Southern Cross Review, an e.Zine published on the Internet since 1999.

A Memoir by Frank Thomas Smith. Now living under the Southern Cross in a valley in Argentina, the author shares a life well-lived with readers the world over. Frank Thomas Smith is an American expatriate originally from Brooklyn, New York. Working in the international airline business, he has lived most of his life abroad, in Europe and South America. He has moonlighted in consulting, education (Waldorf) and writing. He is the editor and publisher of the Southern Cross Review, an e.Zine published on the Internet since 1999.