The Everything Kid's Mazes Book: Twist, Squirm, and Wind Your Way Through Subwaysj, Museums, Monster Lairs, and Tombs!
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-Wind your way through an iceberg in the chilly Antarctic.
-Pull a thread from one corner to the other of an Inca key textile design.
-Find the wind current that will take your hot air balloon around the clouds and into clear sky. Almost anything could be a maze--the cluttered path from the door of your room to your bed, a tangle of your kid brother's shoelaces, even the braces on your sister's teeth! Once you get into this book you will see mazes everywhere!
-Wind your way through an iceberg in the chilly Antarctic.
-Pull a thread from one corner to the other of an Inca key textile design.
-Find the wind current that will take your hot air balloon around the clouds and into clear sky. Almost anything could be a maze--the cluttered path from the door of your room to your bed, a tangle of your kid brother's shoelaces, even the braces on your sister's teeth! Once you get into this book you will see mazes everywhere!