Every 21 Seconds, someone is affected by a traumatic brain injury. Every 21 Seconds, a CEO, a preschool teacher, a next-door neighbor endures a life-altering injury.
For Brian Sweeney--a father, a successful businessman--a fun-filled weekend with lifelong friends evolved into a life changed forever. From the hospital bed to the boardroom, follow the trials and triumphs of Brian Sweeney, father, successful businessman, traumatic brain injury survivor. Every 21 Seconds...
Every 21 seconds" chronicles the hidden complexities experienced after traumatic brain injury, as can only be told by a survivor. Mr. Sweeney describes the 'roller coaster ride' from the time of injury to the present, involving himself, family, friends and employers. Th e misunderstandings, biases, and injustices are clearly described along with wonderful insights to his abilities and disabilities. His struggle is a guide to patients and those who love and care for those individuals effected by brain injury.
James A. Young, M.D.
Chairperson, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Rush University Medical Center Chicago, Illinois
Every 21 seconds is the most honest book written by a TBI survivor that I have ever read. I am the mother of a 25-year old daughter who suff ered the devastating effects of a traumatic brain injury three years ago and I believe I have read almost all of the books written on this topic.