1 Proclus, and Euclid's Book On Divisions of Figures
2-6 De Divisionibus by "Muhammed Bagdedinus" and the Dee MS
7-9 The Woepcke-Euclid MS
10-13 Practica Geometriae of Leonardo Pisano (Fibonaci)
14-17 Summary
14 Synopsis of Muhammed's Treatise
15 Commandinus's Treatise
16 Synopsis of Euclid's Treatise
17 Analysis of Leonardo's Work
18 Abraham Savasorda, Jordanus Nemorarius, Luca Paciuolo
19 "Muhammed Bagdedinus" and other Arabian writers on Divisions of Figures
20 Practical Applications of the problems on Divisions of Figures; the μετρικά of Heron of Alexandria
21 Connection between Euclid's Book On Divisions, Apollonius's treatise On Cutting off a Space and a Pappus-lemma to Euclid's book of Porisms
22-57 Restoration of Euclid's περὶ διαιρέσεων βιβλίον 27