This teaching guide is a dynamic, easy-to-follow, chronological set of lessons and activities with everything you need to instruct your students in the best practice methods of beginning ESL/EFL speaking and listening skills. You'll be able to maximize your time with your students instead of spending hours and hours planning and researching your lessons. Just review this guide before your lesson each day, prepare using the materials it provides, and TEACH! With this publication you will receive: a recommendations guide for ESL/EFL best practices, 20 ESL/EFL lesson plans with both new and repeating activities organized into four weeklong units, templates for vocabulary activities and grammar structures, dialogues that students can present, games, songs/chants, and short stories with comprehension questions. In addition, this guide comes with a diagnostic test that will take care of your assessment needs. It is an individually administered test that places the student into one of three ESL/EFL levels based on his or her responses; it also comes with a scoring key and guide. Since language learning requires repetition and consistency in order to master concepts, you'll find both new and repeating activities in each lesson plan of this guide. Appropriate for ages 8 to adult.
This teaching guide is a dynamic, easy-to-follow, chronological set of lessons and activities with everything you need to instruct your students in the best practice methods of beginning ESL/EFL speaking and listening skills. You'll be able to maximize your time with your students instead of spending hours and hours planning and researching your lessons. Just review this guide before your lesson each day, prepare using the materials it provides, and TEACH! With this publication you will receive: a recommendations guide for ESL/EFL best practices, 20 ESL/EFL lesson plans with both new and repeating activities organized into four weeklong units, templates for vocabulary activities and grammar structures, dialogues that students can present, games, songs/chants, and short stories with comprehension questions. In addition, this guide comes with a diagnostic test that will take care of your assessment needs. It is an individually administered test that places the student into one of three ESL/EFL levels based on his or her responses; it also comes with a scoring key and guide. Since language learning requires repetition and consistency in order to master concepts, you'll find both new and repeating activities in each lesson plan of this guide. Appropriate for ages 8 to adult.