When Jesus preached to "the masses" (those who are uninitiated into the mysteries), he chose to speak in parables because the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Jesus understood that the limited faculties of the masses would prevent mankind from understanding initial principles, so he told stories that shine light on the same truth but from a different angle.
Divine principles of the universe were cloaked behind allegorical stories and figures which ultimately lead the masses into a hopeless confusion, one that has lasted to our present day in age. To this day, mankind lives and breathes inside a matrix of misconceptions concerning spiritual truths -- one believes in a cosmic war between good & evil and that some "God personality" is judging our every action; one believes that he will burn in hell for sins committed and suffer eternal torment (or, make it to a heaven surrounded by loved ones where he can forever worship in ecstasy). Enoch tells us that we are lost, and that the man-Jesus (Yeshua) never taught these falsities. Yeshua taught that we are all gods, and that all one must do is take a closer look within himself to find the true kingdom!
Enoch has verified this truth, and teaches us that we must not follow the disturbed organizations called churches, or place our faith within corrupt corporations that drain man of his potential life energy.
These two entities (Church & State) work together to bombard the masses through pyramids of manipulation, playing psychological ping-pong to create mental prisons for the souls who refuse to see. Thus, we have modern day spiritual warfare, a continuous war that is invisible, a breach in the safety and security of our sanity! What is "normal" in a world gone mad? Enoch has provided mankind with re-direction through purified teachings and Standing Ones.