English Studies Reimagined: A New Context for Linguistics, Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, Literature, Cultural Studies, and English E

English Studies Reimagined: A New Context for Linguistics, Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, Literature, Cultural Studies, and English E

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In this sequel to English Studies: An Introduction to the Discipline(s), editor Bruce McComiskey and contributors from a range of disciplines propose seven principles to reimagine English studies for increased relevance in an increasingly diverse and globalized world.

While social values outside of academia are changing from nationalism to globalization, much of English studies remains entrenched in nationalist discourses.

From literature and theory to linguistics, writing, and rhetoric, English Studies Reimagined argues that English studies must shift from a limited national orientation to a more global and cosmopolitan one in order to remain culturally and academically relevant to students today.

McComiskey introduces seven principles to reimagine English Studies for increased relevance:

  • Conceive the discipline as a process
  • Seek difference
  • Expand what counts as literature
  • Promote adaptive practices
  • Value technology
  • Embrace collaboration
  • Take a public turn

Each chapter explores a different discipline within English studies from the perspective of difference: linguistics by Jacquelyn Rahman, rhetoric and composition by Victor Villanueva, creative writing by Sarah Sandman, literature and literary criticism by Richard C. Taylor, critical theory and cultural studies by Jeffrey J. Williams, and English education by Tonya B. Perry. All play vital and distinct but interrelated roles in this proposed shift toward a globally oriented English studies.

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