Encyclopedia of Alien Races

Encyclopedia of Alien Races

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This (illustrated) book details the different extraterrestrial races and their involvement in human history.
The first part is dedicated to understanding our nature. The nature of the human and everything that surrounds it. The second part details the most famous extraterrestrial races, having visited the Earth. The third part is a compendium of information on rare alien races.
The information comes mainly from the Russian book of the KGB, from the first aid manual for extraterrestrial races (Sergeant Clifford Stone), from the people contacted or abducted by some of these extraterrestrial races.
Chapter I. The structure.................... ...11
I.1. The desert of the real..................13
I.2. The planetary energy network.........22
I.3. The hidden History of Humanity...46
I.4. Our artificial Moon...................59
I.5. From 3D to 5D.........................68
Chapter. II. Alien races...................71
II.1. The Lyrans............................73
II.2. The Zetas Reticulans.................77
II.3. The Andromedans..................89
II.4. The Pleiadians........................95
II.5. The Tall Whites.....................99
II.6. The Vegans..........................101
II.7. The Arcturians......................103
II.8. The Sirians............................107
II.9. The Alpha Centaurians.............111
II.10. The Alpha Draconians.............121
II.11. The Praying Mantis.................123
II.12. The Draconians.....................125
II.13. The Reptilians......................129
II.14. The Tall Grays ....................134
II.15. The Venusians......................137
II.16. The Ummo..........................143
II.17. The Annunaki.......................147
II.18. The Urmah..........................165
II.19. The Procyonans.....................168
II.20. The Agarthans........................172
II.21. The Telosiens.......................175
II.22. The Antarcticans..................177
II.23. The Atlanteans....................207
II.24. The Avians.........................209
II.25. The Cetians........................213
II.26. The Amphibians...................215
II.27. The Baavians.......................217
II.28. The Nordics.......................225
Chapter III. Rare Alien races .........229
Altarians, Al-Gruualix, Airks, Alabrams, Boteans of the salamanian confederation, Dries, the council of five, X1Z, X5 Tykut, Greys of Solipsi-rai, the Masters, Oranges, Ramays, Emerthers, Stroms, Tarices, Tisar 3, Vinnitary, Jighantiks, Kalenias, K-Arr, Killy-Torkut, Tengri, Langs.
Sources ...................................261
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