Emmanuel Levinas: Literature, Philosophy and Religion

Emmanuel Levinas: Literature, Philosophy and Religion

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Emmanuel Levinas was a French philosopher of Lithuanian Jewish ancestry. He is acknowledged for his work within Jewish philosophy, existentialism, and phenomenology. Levinas's work principally focuses on the relationship of ethics with metaphysics and ontology. Some of the major philosophical works of Emmanuel Levinas are De l'existence l'existant (1947; Existence and Existents), En dcouvrant l'existence avec Husserl et Heidegger (1949; Discovering Existence with Husserl and Heidegger), and Autrement qu'tre; ou, au-del de l'essence (1974; Otherwise than Being; or, Beyond Essence). Emmanuel Levinas's wartime diaries, postwar lectures, and drafts of two novels were published after his death. These present new approaches to comprehend the relationship between literature, philosophy and religion. This book attempts to address the perspectives on literature, philosophy and religion of Emmanuel Levinas. It is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to understand about the philosophical and literary output of Levinas further.
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