Our mouths are filled with information about our systemic health. They always have been, but now medicine and science are putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Research has intimately linked oral health problems to diseases in other parts of the body. In a modern era of advanced knowledge and sophisticated technology, why is the amount of dental work done each year still in the range of billions of dollars? Why do people still suffer from rotting teeth and oral disease? What is missing in our public knowledge about oral health and why do we silo oral health into such a narrow focus?This book will cover a wide range of topics, from the microscopic bacteria in our body to anthropological trends that have affected the shapes of our mouths. In this book, we will go on a tour of a healthy mouth, learn what oral disease is, what causes it, and why we should care about it. Our journey will take us through the history of dentistry and the evolution of our oral health over time. This book will explore diet, nutrition, and exactly how it links to oral health. Lastly, we will learn about the role the mouth plays in breathing and how it all connects to the mouth body connection. Learning the history of our mouths, what really goes on inside, and how it all connects to the bigger picture will help you and your family not only avoid dental work, but also live healthier, better lives. If you have been suffering from oral disease without a solution or if you simply want to go on a journey of our teeth through time, this book is for you. It is time to put the mouth back into the body.
Our mouths are filled with information about our systemic health. They always have been, but now medicine and science are putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Research has intimately linked oral health problems to diseases in other parts of the body. In a modern era of advanced knowledge and sophisticated technology, why is the amount of dental work done each year still in the range of billions of dollars? Why do people still suffer from rotting teeth and oral disease? What is missing in our public knowledge about oral health and why do we silo oral health into such a narrow focus?This book will cover a wide range of topics, from the microscopic bacteria in our body to anthropological trends that have affected the shapes of our mouths. In this book, we will go on a tour of a healthy mouth, learn what oral disease is, what causes it, and why we should care about it. Our journey will take us through the history of dentistry and the evolution of our oral health over time. This book will explore diet, nutrition, and exactly how it links to oral health. Lastly, we will learn about the role the mouth plays in breathing and how it all connects to the mouth body connection. Learning the history of our mouths, what really goes on inside, and how it all connects to the bigger picture will help you and your family not only avoid dental work, but also live healthier, better lives. If you have been suffering from oral disease without a solution or if you simply want to go on a journey of our teeth through time, this book is for you. It is time to put the mouth back into the body.