Earth is Eden: An Integral Exploration of the Trans-Himalayan Teachings

Earth is Eden: An Integral Exploration of the Trans-Himalayan Teachings

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Earth is Eden uses the meta-framework of Ken Wilber's Integral Theory to explore the Trans-Himalayan teachings.

Integral Theory has been applied to a number of disciplines in order to bring a higher level of order and integration. The Trans-Himalayan teachings were initiated with the work of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical movement, and then extended by such individuals as Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, Lucille Cedercrans and more recently, Bruce Lyon.

In this book, Jonathan Darrall-Rew, a long-term student of the Trans-Himalayan teachings, and Dustin DiPerna, an expert in the field of integral religion and spirituality, dance and weave their insights to offer a cutting edge take on spiritual evolution and awakening. In the global field, the Trans-Himalayan teachings are unique in their presentation of a truly kosmocentric spirituality. They outline an advanced map of spiritual awakening to ultimate reality and evolutionary development into ever-deeper spheres of mastery, service, relationship, and spiritual transmission within the multidimensional kosmos. Profoundly, these teachings don't simply focus on the path of the individual, or even humanity as a whole, but rather situate our collective unfolding within a much vaster process in which the Earth itself is understood to have a unique and sacred destiny in the cosmos.

Earth is Eden is the 3rd Volume in the series of Integral Religion and Spirituality. This series uses the Integral framework as a lens through which the teachings of the world's wisdom traditions can be illuminated and integrated. It is the intention of the series to optimize the gifts of each lineage while simultaneously filling out their respective blind spots so that the great treasury of human wisdom might one day sing in trans-lineage harmony.

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