Throughout our journey, we acquire profound techniques that connect us to the Great Fluid Tides of nature. These techniques not only provide insights into indigenous practices and the Story on the Wind but also lead us on an exploration of diverse concepts and practices. We delve into the ancient wisdom of Daoist wizards from over a millennium ago, as well as the cutting-edge ideas in modern physics, cell biology, and fluid dynamics. Our endeavor is to forge connections between these elements, but more importantly, we gain the ability to perceive them within ourselves, in nature, and in others. This course is structured around thirty-six practices, each designed to enhance our sensory awareness while simultaneously establishing a profound connection to the tranquility of Stillness and the gentle Fluid Tides that exist both in nature and within ourselves. The course guides us through a step-by-step journey of ever-deepening practice, enabling us to become acutely aware of how we utilize our senses. Its ultimate goal is to rewire our sensory perception, fostering the development of a Holistic Felt-Sense - the capacity to sense wholeness within ourselves and oneness with nature.
Throughout our journey, we acquire profound techniques that connect us to the Great Fluid Tides of nature. These techniques not only provide insights into indigenous practices and the Story on the Wind but also lead us on an exploration of diverse concepts and practices. We delve into the ancient wisdom of Daoist wizards from over a millennium ago, as well as the cutting-edge ideas in modern physics, cell biology, and fluid dynamics. Our endeavor is to forge connections between these elements, but more importantly, we gain the ability to perceive them within ourselves, in nature, and in others. This course is structured around thirty-six practices, each designed to enhance our sensory awareness while simultaneously establishing a profound connection to the tranquility of Stillness and the gentle Fluid Tides that exist both in nature and within ourselves. The course guides us through a step-by-step journey of ever-deepening practice, enabling us to become acutely aware of how we utilize our senses. Its ultimate goal is to rewire our sensory perception, fostering the development of a Holistic Felt-Sense - the capacity to sense wholeness within ourselves and oneness with nature.