Dynamic Structures in an Open Cosmos: Stigmergy and Vortices

Dynamic Structures in an Open Cosmos: Stigmergy and Vortices

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The restoration of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences served to reconcile science with faith. In other words, physics should be made subservient to faith. The spiritual shepherd nourishes his sheep using paradoxes. For example, the immaculate conception served for centuries. But this belief isn't time relevant anymore. Better is a beliefe based on mathematics. Modern physics is characterized by a number of paradoxes that can be traced back to the incorrect use of mathematical means of expression in a closed system. Now, out of concern for the common house, Pope Francis has released the connection to a closed theory with the groundbreaking sentence: "In this universe made up of open systems that communicate with one another, we can discover innumerable forms of relationship and participation." Now we are any more looking relativistically at the cosmos as a symmetric blown up ball. We are going back to a real view of an energy dissipative world.
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