The Dwarf and the Doozle follows a dwarf named Bindle Muff who lives in an enchanted forest as his new neighbor tries to make his life miserable. This is a parable based on Luke 6:27-28 when Jesus teaches his disciples the value of loving your enemies. When the grumpy Doozle, Glumm Trunk, steals all the mushrooms, smashes all the pumpkins, and hides Bindle's carving tools, Bindle responds with kind words and generosity. But the story escalates when Glumm Trunk attacks Bindle's only friend, a magical old elm tree. Loving those who are hard to love is painted in a simple and familiar way between these two neighbors.
The Dwarf and the Doozle follows a dwarf named Bindle Muff who lives in an enchanted forest as his new neighbor tries to make his life miserable. This is a parable based on Luke 6:27-28 when Jesus teaches his disciples the value of loving your enemies. When the grumpy Doozle, Glumm Trunk, steals all the mushrooms, smashes all the pumpkins, and hides Bindle's carving tools, Bindle responds with kind words and generosity. But the story escalates when Glumm Trunk attacks Bindle's only friend, a magical old elm tree. Loving those who are hard to love is painted in a simple and familiar way between these two neighbors.