Dramatic Comedy / 6m, 3f Inspired by Life is a Dream, the towering achievement of Spanish drama, Dreamlandia explores the terrain between illusion and reality. Set in the borderlands between Mexico and Texas, this haunting new play vibrates with the clash of cultures, NAFTA, narcotics, and illegal immigration. In an everchanging world, family, cultural and sexual identities collide. "In Teatro Vista's provocative staging of Solis's latest work, M�rquez meets Beckett in a surreal, tragicomic t
Dramatic Comedy / 6m, 3f Inspired by Life is a Dream, the towering achievement of Spanish drama, Dreamlandia explores the terrain between illusion and reality. Set in the borderlands between Mexico and Texas, this haunting new play vibrates with the clash of cultures, NAFTA, narcotics, and illegal immigration. In an everchanging world, family, cultural and sexual identities collide. "In Teatro Vista's provocative staging of Solis's latest work, M�rquez meets Beckett in a surreal, tragicomic t