Drama Menu: Second Helpings - Another 160 Tasty Theatre Games

Drama Menu: Second Helpings - Another 160 Tasty Theatre Games

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160 all-new games and exercises from the author of the bestselling companion for drama teachers and workshop leaders, offering more than one million unique and tasty combinations, ready to be put into action!

Simply make a selection from each of the four complementary courses, and your whole drama session will come to life with clarity, intensity and focus:

Appetizers are fast-paced warm-up exercises to energize and enthuse;

Starters are the intermediary course to challenge and kickstart creativity;

Main Courses provide the central part of the session, culminating in a final performance piece;

Desserts are there for when you have space at the end of your session for something sweet.

Every exercise has been devised, tested and selected for its ability to ignite creativity and develop the performing potential of each player. There's also a downloadable Resource Pack (available below) stuffed with a huge range of new stimuli to engage your students and encourage deeper participation.

Drama Menu: Second Helpings has everything you need to spice up your sessions with a variety of new challenges that will invigorate and inspire your students, and ensure that every session is fresh, dynamic and relevant. Bon apptit!

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