Downright Filthy Pitching Book 3: The Science of Pitch Sequencing

Downright Filthy Pitching Book 3: The Science of Pitch Sequencing

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Downright Filthy Pitching Book 3 - The Science of Pitch Sequencing is the 3rd book of the series on Effective Velocity. Book 1 is the introduction into the science and understanding of what Effective Velocity is all about. Book 2 describes the Hitters' Attention or the human limitations of reacting to a pitch at such high velocities and the MLB studies that back the findings. Book 3 describes how to implement Effective Velocity into your pitching approach in the simplest and most innovative and creative ways. This is the first book to show you how the baseball actually works to create different types of movements, to aid in deception. This is the first book to scientifically show how to gain a significant advantage against hitters by learning to sequence pitches in the most deceptive way possible. This book shows pitchers how to design their most effective pitch assortment and how to use them at maximum efficiency. "I'm an old history teacher. In the history of man some innovations were so revolutionary that they forever changed the course of history. I believe Perry's study and innovation of EV is changing and will change the game of has certainly changed the way we attack hitters at Pitching Central. Every day we have a choice. We can choose to stay current and ride the wave as the change alters the landscape...or stubbornly choose to be the cynic and swear the earth is flat...and be at the bottom of the wave when it moves through. Regardless, an innovation of this magnitude will affect us either way." Ron Wolforth Author of the Combat Pitcher- Preparing the Next Generation of Pitchers for Battle CEO Pitching Central
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