Embark on Disney Inbetween, a journey from Walt Disney's passing in 1966 to the studio's resurgence in the mid-80s under Roy E. Disney, Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, and Jeffrey Katzenberg. Discover how the once-innovative studio faltered amidst disruption, featuring exclusive interviews with the artists and filmmakers who were there. Disney Inbetween: The Lost Years 1966-1986 showcases a new era of filmmakers breaking tradition and paving the way for unprecedented success, offering a saga of transformation and resilience.
Embark on Disney Inbetween, a journey from Walt Disney's passing in 1966 to the studio's resurgence in the mid-80s under Roy E. Disney, Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, and Jeffrey Katzenberg. Discover how the once-innovative studio faltered amidst disruption, featuring exclusive interviews with the artists and filmmakers who were there. Disney Inbetween: The Lost Years 1966-1986 showcases a new era of filmmakers breaking tradition and paving the way for unprecedented success, offering a saga of transformation and resilience.