Digital Signal Processing for Complete Idiots

Digital Signal Processing for Complete Idiots

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DSP is a very math intensive subject and one would require a deep understanding in mathematics to understand various aspects of DSP. Although there are many books which cover DSP extensively, most of them or all of them would require a ton of mathematics to understand even the most fundamental concepts. For a first timer in DSP, getting their heads around advanced math topics like Fourier transform etc is a very hard task. Most students tend to lose interest in DSP, because of this sole reason. Students don't stick around long enough to discover how beautiful a subject DSP is. In this book, explainations of the various fundamental concepts are given in an intuitive manner with minimum maths. Also, the various topics are connected with real life situations wherever possible. This way even the first timers can learn the basics of DSP with minimum effort. Hopefully the students will enjoy this different approach to DSP. The various concepts of the subject are arranged logically and explained in a simple reader-friendly language with MATLAB examples.
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