This is the story and thoughts of Federal prisoner, Donald D. Green, known to the streets of Buffalo, New York as the Infamous "Sly" Green. With numerous charges that are forcing him to serve 4 life terms plus 110 years, Green has become one of the best jailhouse lawyers- winning over 138 appeals cases for other prisoners. In his story, you will learn how he did it and how he struggles to do the same for himself.
This is the story and thoughts of Federal prisoner, Donald D. Green, known to the streets of Buffalo, New York as the Infamous "Sly" Green. With numerous charges that are forcing him to serve 4 life terms plus 110 years, Green has become one of the best jailhouse lawyers- winning over 138 appeals cases for other prisoners. In his story, you will learn how he did it and how he struggles to do the same for himself.