FIRST THINGS FIRST, PRAISE BE TO ELOHIM! I am grateful to GOD for the completion of this book. It has been a fifteen-year endeavor which has encompassed victory over life threating challenges including cancer, a severe hernias operation and a two-year bout with homelessness. During these trials of living, because of grace, family love and genuine friends, I continued to research, write and organize. Struggle is to the grave, and then - if your life was predominantly righteous - eternal glory! Writing this book was also another challenge; a challenge I was exuberant to take on. I challenged - with undeniable facts - the world Zionist movement and the terror States of Israel and the terrorist United States. Morally filthy Zionism, the terror State of Israel and its cohorts must be destroyed!Dr. Kwame Ture said that oppression breeds resistance and that there is power in conception. Resistance starts with the concept that a people have a right to be in charge of their own destiny, their own culture, and most definitely their own land. Resistance implies that the oppressor and aspects and perhaps a great deal of oppressive strategy is known by the oppressed. And, in this concept of knowing the enemy - the oppressor/the strategy of the enemy - there is truly power. Zionism is an exceptionally stealth and sinister strategy of world domination. It is a form of imperialism that can have symbiotic attachments to other forms of imperialism, but only to use it as a rampart and shield to dominate even other imperialist rivals. Imperialism implies a selfishness that is only appreciative of itself; the world's wars and the cold war ears are evidence of this imperial particularity.There is power in conception! Consciousness can direct matter in a definite direction and can channel behavior into conscious positive action. One must know what they fight and why they must fight and how to conduct that fight to insure victory. Accordingly, to expose the Zionist strategy, its deception, its avenues of oppressive delivery, its cohorts, allies, stooges and military and financial backers is a power aid to liberation. To expose this with an emphasis on Africa, Western Asia {so-called Middle East}, The Western hemisphere and Latin America, is to give a panoramic view of Zionism and gives clues as to a strategy to combat it. It is my intention to shown, beyond any doubt that for the development of African culture and humanity - Zionism must be destroyed. The slogan of African freedom fighters and indeed the slogan of all justice loving people must be SMASH ZIONISM; THE ONLY GOOD ZIONIST IS A DEAD ZIONIST. And this necessarily includes the destruction and dismantling of the unjust State of Israel. Candid objectivity and comprehensive education, especially mass political education, are one of the essential means of exposing and destroying, not only, the international menace to humanity know as Zionism, but also its' political State - Israel and the compliment and mechanism for implementation of the Zionist strategy which is: Israeli foreign policy, and world imperialism - particularly, the current U.S. led imperialism. A tremendous amount of the ideology, objectives, strategy, tactics, literature and justification of the Zionist movement has been white-washed and Zionist-washed!
FIRST THINGS FIRST, PRAISE BE TO ELOHIM! I am grateful to GOD for the completion of this book. It has been a fifteen-year endeavor which has encompassed victory over life threating challenges including cancer, a severe hernias operation and a two-year bout with homelessness. During these trials of living, because of grace, family love and genuine friends, I continued to research, write and organize. Struggle is to the grave, and then - if your life was predominantly righteous - eternal glory! Writing this book was also another challenge; a challenge I was exuberant to take on. I challenged - with undeniable facts - the world Zionist movement and the terror States of Israel and the terrorist United States. Morally filthy Zionism, the terror State of Israel and its cohorts must be destroyed!Dr. Kwame Ture said that oppression breeds resistance and that there is power in conception. Resistance starts with the concept that a people have a right to be in charge of their own destiny, their own culture, and most definitely their own land. Resistance implies that the oppressor and aspects and perhaps a great deal of oppressive strategy is known by the oppressed. And, in this concept of knowing the enemy - the oppressor/the strategy of the enemy - there is truly power. Zionism is an exceptionally stealth and sinister strategy of world domination. It is a form of imperialism that can have symbiotic attachments to other forms of imperialism, but only to use it as a rampart and shield to dominate even other imperialist rivals. Imperialism implies a selfishness that is only appreciative of itself; the world's wars and the cold war ears are evidence of this imperial particularity.There is power in conception! Consciousness can direct matter in a definite direction and can channel behavior into conscious positive action. One must know what they fight and why they must fight and how to conduct that fight to insure victory. Accordingly, to expose the Zionist strategy, its deception, its avenues of oppressive delivery, its cohorts, allies, stooges and military and financial backers is a power aid to liberation. To expose this with an emphasis on Africa, Western Asia {so-called Middle East}, The Western hemisphere and Latin America, is to give a panoramic view of Zionism and gives clues as to a strategy to combat it. It is my intention to shown, beyond any doubt that for the development of African culture and humanity - Zionism must be destroyed. The slogan of African freedom fighters and indeed the slogan of all justice loving people must be SMASH ZIONISM; THE ONLY GOOD ZIONIST IS A DEAD ZIONIST. And this necessarily includes the destruction and dismantling of the unjust State of Israel. Candid objectivity and comprehensive education, especially mass political education, are one of the essential means of exposing and destroying, not only, the international menace to humanity know as Zionism, but also its' political State - Israel and the compliment and mechanism for implementation of the Zionist strategy which is: Israeli foreign policy, and world imperialism - particularly, the current U.S. led imperialism. A tremendous amount of the ideology, objectives, strategy, tactics, literature and justification of the Zionist movement has been white-washed and Zionist-washed!