Destiny's Journey Fate or Faith

Destiny's Journey Fate or Faith

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The war was hell. When it ended, soldiers returned home with no purpose. What does a warrior do when there is no war? A beautiful woman walks into an INN with a companion who is her bodyguard and protector where bored solders with no war to fight are bored with the routine life they now face. She will offer them an adventure of crossing a dangerous mountain facing bandits, wild animals, through a dangerous pass with harsh weather conditions. The mysterious Lady will revel herself as the heir to a kingdom where a treacherous King who killed her Father and all heirs now sits on her throne. The fight with her companions who are loyal will be dangerous not only with battles but with the political intrigue that the court bureaucracy includes. Noblemen loyal to the former King will not accept the new Queen but will find her companions are dangerous men. A young boy travels with the men and Lady across the mountains. He will find his questions of being an orphan revealed in a surprising way. A battle to take the castle and to keep it will take the beautiful lady who is not accepted because of being of mixed race. Noblemen will not accept her seeing her as a Halfbreed mongrel not of pure blood. Their arrogance of not accepting a former enemy who claims the thrown will bring conflict to their way of life and upset the balance of power.

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