As coaches, we want to be successful and we want to win. As Christian coaches, we know we are called to a much higher purpose than just winning football games. We are called to be great husbands, great dads, and men who shine as lights for Jesus Christ. As a coach, what does that look like and how are we to go about putting Christ before winning? If we do not have a plan and are not intentional in pursuing our plan, we will fail. We will find ourselves once again bowing down to the god of winning and success.
As coaches, we want to be successful and we want to win. As Christian coaches, we know we are called to a much higher purpose than just winning football games. We are called to be great husbands, great dads, and men who shine as lights for Jesus Christ. As a coach, what does that look like and how are we to go about putting Christ before winning? If we do not have a plan and are not intentional in pursuing our plan, we will fail. We will find ourselves once again bowing down to the god of winning and success.