The Days of Allah

The Days of Allah

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This book is meant to serve as a tool to help introduce and explain the holy days of Islam to children of all ages. It was done at the request of parents who sometimes find it difficult to come up with the right words to convey the spirit, meaning, and history of the special days and nights around which the Muslim spiritual calendar revolves.

It is really a book within a book. It has been designed so that it can be read easily to young children just by following the pictures and reading their captions or the underlying text. But there is also more information in the accompanying text which can be read by older children or by the parent. Or it can serve to refresh the memory of the parent so that they can tell the stories in their own words.

The book is designed to be read as a whole from start to finish. However, it can also be read chapter by chapter during the year to suit the months and the occasion. To facilitate this, some stories and pictures are repeated as they apply to more than one occasion.

The text is meant to be flexible and adaptable. Please use it as seems right to you, as it suits your understanding and that of your listeners.

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