A small town's legend of love...
Willow is a curvy girl who dreams of being swept off her feet--to feel the heart sparks the small town of Suitor's Crossing is known for--especially after working with lovestruck brides at her friend's boutique for years. There's only one problem... No one seems to want a short woman with curves to spare. A dating app's promise of forever... Rhys is a mountain man who loves working with his hands as Suitor's Crossing's blacksmith--a hometown he's proud of despite its fascination with a ridiculous romantic myth. But there's one thing he's missing... A woman to call his own. When an online match is made, a blind date is all that stands between this short curvy girl and mountain man's path to happiness. But will their differing views on love ruin a chance at happily ever after? A quick steamy read that's part of Hallie Bennett's new Suitor's Crossing series, a spin-off from the Lumberjacks of High Ridge, and the Valentine's Date series from AB Shared Worlds!A small town's legend of love...
Willow is a curvy girl who dreams of being swept off her feet--to feel the heart sparks the small town of Suitor's Crossing is known for--especially after working with lovestruck brides at her friend's boutique for years. There's only one problem... No one seems to want a short woman with curves to spare. A dating app's promise of forever... Rhys is a mountain man who loves working with his hands as Suitor's Crossing's blacksmith--a hometown he's proud of despite its fascination with a ridiculous romantic myth. But there's one thing he's missing... A woman to call his own. When an online match is made, a blind date is all that stands between this short curvy girl and mountain man's path to happiness. But will their differing views on love ruin a chance at happily ever after? A quick steamy read that's part of Hallie Bennett's new Suitor's Crossing series, a spin-off from the Lumberjacks of High Ridge, and the Valentine's Date series from AB Shared Worlds!Paperback