Want more than an average life? Guess what? You were created to Dare Greatly.
School. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.
Sound familiar? In high school, our lives fall into the same nerve-wracking pattern, but what if it didn't have to be that way?What if stress and fear didn't dictate our decisions? What if we dared to do great things for God, not someday, but right now? Because we were never meant to be "okay" girls living "okay" lives.
You are God's warrior. His secret weapon. His game-changer.
This Bible study is more than a survival book for high school girls. Dare Greatly is a guide to discovering our God-given potential in our crazy, stressed out, homework-driven life. Because in Him, we have the ability to:
- Live Our Lives Exceptionally
- Conquer Our Fears Courageously
- Run This Race of Faith Dauntlessly
- and Dare Great Things for the Kingdom of God
You don't have to wait until you graduate high school to change the world. It starts right now. So grab your Bible, grab your pens, and jump in! I dare you to Dare Greatly.
What Teen Girls are Saying About Dare Greatly:
"This Bible study covers everything from boys to stress to sharing your faith, and it's really inspired me to grow closer to God, to achieve His standards instead of anyone else's. In short, this is a teen girl's guide to attaining her God-given potential." Elizabeth, Age 17
"I adored a lot of things about Dare Greatly. My favorite part was that every chapter was connected to a real-life story or situation, which kept the chapters incredibly relatable. LOVED every moment of it!" Peyton, Age 14
"I really enjoyed Dare Greatly, and I thought it had a lot of great knowledge and things that I could easily apply to my own life." Claire, Age 16
"I loved the whole book! It was so helpful and enjoyable. Always looking forward to Hannah's new books and Bible studies. Can't wait for more!" Evangeline, Age 14
Praise for the Books of Hannah Duggan
"Hannah is a wunderkind. A prodigy. She is an up-and-comer with remarkable talent." Pastor Ben Courson, Applegate Christian Fellowship
"Hannah's heart for girls seeps through the pages! Just Us Girls points each girl, regardless of her age or circumstances to Jesus, the Anchor of her soul." Kelsey Erich, Youth Leader at Calvary Chapel Honolulu
"Best Bible study for EVERY girl going to middle school! The girls are WOWED that it hits every single struggle they face as middle schoolers...I knew this would be a good one; I wasn't aware it would be the best one to pick!" L. McCarty, Amazon Reviewer
"I couldn't put it down - finishing it in two days. This author has developed a plot line which rivals mystery authors like Sanford and Patterson and does it with a Gospel-centered theme...I look forward to reading Hannah's next book." Katrina Ford
"A page turner!" Shannon Kessler, Youth Leader at Harvest Church
"I've read From the Flames & found it to be a fascinating read! I was not only extremely impressed, but equally blessed by Hannah's words. The Lord's hand is upon this young lady!" Pastor Mike Stangel, North Shore Christian Fellowship
"Loved it (as a 66 year old) and bought a copy for my two granddaughters ages 12 and 15." Amazon reviewer
"I couldn't put it down! I really enjoyed it...I'd recommend it for adults or kids alike." April Jean Queja