This book is about how you can embrace your sexual energy and use this amazing creational power to generate well-being and a healthy body. You will get a deeper understanding of the health benefits of a sexuality that is utilized for well-being and not solely for pleasure. To do this you go inside yourself, aided by self-empowering practices that guide you towards accessing the wisdom of the body and finding ways to achieve emotional balance. On the way there, you will get to know your feminine essence and learn important female genital anatomy and the sexual fluids of the body, including female ejaculation. According to the Tao, sexual energy is also linked to creativity and the ability to fulfill your heart's desires and purpose. The Taoist theory of awareness and cultivation of your life force and sexual energy is the basis for the practices in this book.
The most important thing a woman can do today is to take back the power over her body, recapture the power of her womb and regain the ability to have an orgasm. From this book you will be guided back into your body, so that your soul force can grow and your innermost pleasure parts can be awakened.
Taoism and Sexual Qigong
Female Genital Anatomy
Female Prostate
Orgasm and Ejaculation
Pelvic Floor Awareness
Menopause and Hormones
25 Informative Color Illustrations
15 Taoist Practices
"A woman who unilaterally searches to be close without the ability of sexual dedication, is as half and incomplete as a man seeking only for ejaculation and orgasm, without the ability of emotional connection".
I wish you a journey full of pleasure!