Crazy Enough To Believe In Me

Crazy Enough To Believe In Me

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There was no way I was supposed to come back from that dark place. Everyone I knew gave up on me. I was an embarrassment. Truth be told, I was embarrassed too. I was ashamed too. I hated me too. I too also knew that I had issues. The difference is, at some point I begun to ponder and question everything I had ever been told. In my mind, my heart and deep down in my soul I begged to differ. This groaning in my spirit only grew louder, as I dug, clawed and crawled, kicked and screamed, fought my way out of this god forsaken place. Now they can only stare in disbelief. I'd even go so far as saying, some of them are in awe. I'm convinced that we all have something inside of us that can fight it's way out of nearly anything or any situation. It simply has to be awakened, though it won't be a simple task. So long as we have breath in our lungs, there is always a chance for us to see the tides turn.

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