The author provides sufficient details for students to navigate the intricate proofs of the Dirichlet unit theorem and the Minkowski bounds on element and ideal norms. Additional topics include the factorization of prime ideals in Galois extensions and local as well as global fields, including the Artin-Whaples approximation theorem and Hensel's lemma. The text concludes with three helpful appendixes. Geared toward mathematics majors, this course requires a background in graduate-level algebra and a familiarity with integral extensions and localization.
The author provides sufficient details for students to navigate the intricate proofs of the Dirichlet unit theorem and the Minkowski bounds on element and ideal norms. Additional topics include the factorization of prime ideals in Galois extensions and local as well as global fields, including the Artin-Whaples approximation theorem and Hensel's lemma. The text concludes with three helpful appendixes. Geared toward mathematics majors, this course requires a background in graduate-level algebra and a familiarity with integral extensions and localization.