Two classic tales of unexpected love and second chances...Country Bride Kate Logan is understandably devastated when her former fianc marries someone else instead. At the wedding, one glass of champagne leads to her spontaneously--foolishly--proposing to her longtime friend Luke Rivers. And Luke agrees. The rancher is a man of his word, and though Kate thinks they're making a mistake, he will not renege on his promise. Not only does he refuse to break the engagement, he insists that Kate actually loves him--and he'll prove it. The Courtship of Carol Sommars For the last fifteen years, single mother Carol Sommars has devoted herself to two things: working as a nurse and raising her teenage son, Peter. So she's caught off guard when Peter tries to set her up with his best friend's father, Alex Preston. Alex brings new excitement to Carol's organized lifestyle, and it's been so long since she's had any romance in her life. But her disastrous first marriage has made her hesitant to get involved with anyone again. It's a good thing that Alex won't be so easily deterred, even if Carol's doing everything she can to sidestep his pursuit!
Two classic tales of unexpected love and second chances...Country Bride Kate Logan is understandably devastated when her former fianc marries someone else instead. At the wedding, one glass of champagne leads to her spontaneously--foolishly--proposing to her longtime friend Luke Rivers. And Luke agrees. The rancher is a man of his word, and though Kate thinks they're making a mistake, he will not renege on his promise. Not only does he refuse to break the engagement, he insists that Kate actually loves him--and he'll prove it. The Courtship of Carol Sommars For the last fifteen years, single mother Carol Sommars has devoted herself to two things: working as a nurse and raising her teenage son, Peter. So she's caught off guard when Peter tries to set her up with his best friend's father, Alex Preston. Alex brings new excitement to Carol's organized lifestyle, and it's been so long since she's had any romance in her life. But her disastrous first marriage has made her hesitant to get involved with anyone again. It's a good thing that Alex won't be so easily deterred, even if Carol's doing everything she can to sidestep his pursuit!