Confessions of a Good Christian Girl: The Secrets Women Keep and the Grace That Saves Them

Confessions of a Good Christian Girl: The Secrets Women Keep and the Grace That Saves Them

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You already know the women you'll meet in this book. They may sit beside you in the pew . . . or join you at small group . . . or touch your heart from a speaker's podium. They have all been saved. They all love the Lord. And yet . . .

  • One struggles with sucidal despair
  • Another is involved with adultery, pornography, or a same-sex attraction
  • Another endures regular beatings - or worse - by someone who claims to love her
  • Another is divorced . . . or thinking about it
  • This one drinks secretly or "doctor shops" for pain pills
  • That one wrestles with depression or bipolar disorder
  • And many others feel they can never be thin enough, beautiful enough, successful enough . . . or Christian enough to be loved or accepted

They're all good Christian girls who have been broken by sin - their own and others.

They all needed the honest, life-giving truth at the heart of this book. Do you?

Tammy Maltby addresses issues that aren't discussed much in church circles - private sins that she and other women have battled.

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