Thirteen-year-old Colter's summer vacation takes a twist when he finds himself on a broiling city sidewalk, on the hottest day of the year. The young man finds hope in an ad in the back of a comic book. It promises to send a special rock, for free, that he can plant in his backyard. The comic claims that rock will grow into a massive mountain almost no one else can see with rushing streams, towering evergreen forests, and lofty granite peaks covered with snow.
Thirteen-year-old Colter's summer vacation takes a twist when he finds himself on a broiling city sidewalk, on the hottest day of the year. The young man finds hope in an ad in the back of a comic book. It promises to send a special rock, for free, that he can plant in his backyard. The comic claims that rock will grow into a massive mountain almost no one else can see with rushing streams, towering evergreen forests, and lofty granite peaks covered with snow.