Collaborative Worldbuilding for Video Games

Collaborative Worldbuilding for Video Games

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This book is a theoretical and practical deep dive into the craft of worldbuilding for video games, with an explicit focus on how different job disciplines contribute to worldbuilding. In addition to providing lenses for recognizing the various components in creating fictional and digital worlds, the author positions worldbuilding as a reciprocal and dynamic process, a process which acknowledges that worldbuilding is both created by and instrumental in the design of narrative, gameplay, art, audio, and more. Collaborative Worldbuilding for Video Games encourages mutual respect and collaboration among teams and provides game writers and narrative designers tools for effectively incorporating other job roles into their own worldbuilding practice and vice versa.


  • Provides in-depth exploration of worldbuilding via respective job disciplines
  • Deep dives and case studies into a variety of games, both AAA and indie
  • Includes boxed articles for deeper interrogation and exploration of key ideas
  • Contains templates and checklists for practical tips on worldbuilding
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