Coastal Cats is an intriguing mystery novel set in the mid-Atlantic. In this fifth installment of the best-selling Coastal Adventures Series, Murph and his friends find themselves caught up in a puzzling and dangerous situation as large catamaran sailboats and their occupants begin to inexplicably vanish around the Chesapeake.
The disappearances set the nerves of many boat owners in Mallard Cove Marina on edge. Then, the arrival of several new sailboats only adds to the chaos as the age-old rivalry between powerboaters and sailors erupts anew, making things worse as Baloney discovers a new nemesis that may get both of them kicked out of Mallard Cove.
Then, while on their honeymoon in Bermuda, Marlin and Kari stumble onto a huge clue in the disappearances but find the Bermuda police to be of little help. Upon their return to the US, they team up with Murph and the gang, who are all determined to get to the bottom of these disappearances and find the hijackers who are responsible. They must race against time to solve the mystery and prevent more people from vanishing.
Meanwhile, a revolutionary new invention in hydrofoil technology becomes the target of thieves after Murph and Lindsay have become heavily invested in the business that invented it. A hydrofoil catamaran race may settle the question of ownership of the technology, but bad weather is looming ahead. Whoever wins the race will have to face the worst that Mother Nature has to offer.
Coastal Cats is a thrilling and suspenseful story where the protagonists must use their wits and teamwork to unravel the mystery behind the disappearances and bring the culprits to justice. Whether you're a fan of the Coastal Adventures Series or a newcomer, this is an exciting read for anyone interested in maritime mysteries and suspenseful tales.
Coastal Cats is the fifth book in the Coastal Adventures Series but can also be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel.