Church Scattered: Christianity for the 21st Century

Church Scattered: Christianity for the 21st Century

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In this intentionally disruptive book, author and leadership development consultant Dan Greer clearly depicts how the cultural forces of change are negatively impacting the lives of individual Christians and the mission of the church. In post-Christian America, the church is in serious

decline and unless a transformational leadership approach is taken-both in our homes and in our churches-that trend will only get worse. While the message of our faith is sacred, Greer says our methods are not.

In his new book, Church Scattered: Christianity for the 21st Century, Greer offers transformational truths and biblical solutions to the crisis we face as Christians and as the church. Christianity must become more about a people living on mission than a place to attend on Sunday.

In Church Scattered, readers will discover how:

  • Challenging and equipping Christians to live out their calling by merging all of the sacred and secular priorities in everyday life is transformational.
  • Tearing down the unnecessary walls of segmentation between clergy and laity, work and faith, career and calling, social justice and eternal redemption, and church and kingdom is transformational.
  • As church leaders, prioritizing the ministry of the individual Christian and empowering them to live out their faith every day in the Church Scattered at home, work and in their neighborhoods over the important ministry in the Church Gathered is transformational, and it's also the most biblical thing we can do.

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